Tonight’s program, is produced by Julieta Kusnir, Nina Serrano, and Brenda Illescas. Just as the nation faces a threat to health care we feature an interview with Latino Health Access, director, Dr. America Bracho led by co-producer and health-educator Julieta Kusnir. We also offer an update on the City College of San Francisco. Of course, … Continued

Ralph talks to Israeli activist, Miko Peled, author of The General’s Son, Journey of an Israeli in Palestine about whether a two-state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is even possible.  Also, Mark Green rejoins us to discuss whether president-elect Donald Trump has already violated The Logan Act, which prohibits private citizens from negotiating on behalf … Continued

Richard Nixon conducted a number of acts against his enemies ranging from an assasination attempt agains a journalist and having the IRS go after anti-war activists. We talk about these incidents and the relevance that they may have for us today with historian, journalist and author Rick Perlstein. Perlstein is the author of “Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater … Continued

On today’s show we’ll focus on Islamophobia in the US – how pervasive it is and how people are combating it. First, author and academic Kumarini Silva will join us to discuss her book, Brown Threat: Identification in The Security State. Then Corey Saylor of the Council of American Islamic Relations will explore a comprehensive … Continued

In the first half episode, resident physicians in the primary care internal medicine residency program at Highland Hospital (Alameda County’s safety net hospital and trauma center), Jessica Herrera and Ingrid Bauer discuss the potential repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Then, independent journalist Pendarvis Harshaw joins us to talk about the recent appointment of Anne Kirkpatrick as the new Oakland … Continued