Support the Pacifica Radio Archives

The Pacifica Radio Archives  15th Annual National Broadcast and Fundraiser on all 5 Pacifica Stations is asking for your support all day today on KPFA.   Please call and support PRA today at 1-800-735-0230   This one day annual event will begin 6am PST and 9am EST and run for 15 straight hours 9pm PST … Continued

Six months ago, fast food workers at the Portland area based chain Burgerville announced that they had formed a local affiliated with the radical anti-capitalist union the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). They didn’t file for union elections, but instead launched an extensive campaign based around building up community solidarity and support for the … Continued

This weekend we caught up with several participants at the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) Convention, who came together from across the country to discuss the upcoming national prison strike that is taking place on September 9th. The strike will focus on attacking prison slavery, which under the 13th Amendment of the Constitution, makes slavery … Continued

The history of communes in North America is usually presented as largely the rise and fall of the “back to the land” movement that took place in the very late 60s and early 1970s, when members of the counter-culture and those involved in revolutionary politics formed a wide variety of communes in rural areas in … Continued

“I grew up poor in the south, in a trailer park, and I knew from the age I could start comprehending words, that this society had nothing for me…” -Brianna, Co-Founder of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) In this episode of IGDCAST we talk with Brianna, one of the founders of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing … Continued