LSB December 2015 meeting records

KPFA LSB regular in-person meeting
December 12, 2015 11am-4pm
SEIU Local 1021
100 Oak St., Oakland CA
Item # Time* Item Est start time
1 Call to Order 11:00 AM
2 5 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members 11:00 AM
3 5 Approve Agenda 11:05 AM
4 5 Approve Minutes 11:10 AM
5 20 2016 meeting schedule 11:15 AM
6 5 Announcements 11:35 AM
8 20 General manager’s report 12:10 PM
9 20 GM evaluation 12:30 PM
10 20 Treasurer’s Report 12:50 PM
11 10 Break 1:10 PM
12 20 Pacifica by-laws amendments 1:20 PM
13 15 PNB report 1:40 PM
14 5 CAB report 1:55 PM
15 5 KFCF Report 2:00 PM
16 Old Business
10     A.  Local community news & public affairs (A. Prichett) 2:05 PM
10     B.  LSB subcommittees (J. Kobren) 2:15 PM
5     C.  Feature Story News (V. Browning) 2:25 PM
10     D.  Livestreaming (A. Prichett) 2:30 PM
17 Adjourn 2:40 PM
*Times are advisory.




KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting
December 12, 2015, 11am-4:00pm
SEIU Local 1021
100 Oak St., Oakland, CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at

Present: Craig Alderson, Virginia Browning*, Mal Burnstein, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, David Gans, Donald Goldmacher, Mark Hernandez, Cynthia Johnson*, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, David Landau, Samsarah Morgan, Lewis Sawyer, Carole Travis, Barbara Whipperman.
*Arrived after roll call.

Absent:  José Luis Fuentes, Kate Gowen, Joy Moore, Andrea Prichett, Frank Sterling, Kate Tanaka, Ramsés Teón-Nichols, Burton White, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers, Quincy McCoy (ex officio).

1.   Call to order
Meeting called to order by chair at 11:10.

2.   Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to excuse all absent members. Approved by voice vote, no votes against.

3.   Approve agenda
Moved amendment (C. Alderson) to strike items 8 (GM report), 13 (CAB report), 14 (KFCF report), 15.A (Local community new), 15.D (Livestreaming). Approved without objection.

Agenda as amended approved by voice vote, no votes against.

4.   Minutes
Moved (J. Kurzweil) to approved minutes of July, August, September, and November meetings with the understanding that they can be revised at a later date if found to be incorrect. Approved by voice vote, no votes against.

5.   2016 meetings
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to ask all current officers to remain as pro tem officers until next meeting. Approved by voice vote, no votes against.

Moved (B. Whipperman) to meet 4th Saturday of January, January 23.

Moved (J. Kobren) “that the LSB discuss another meeting to be scheduled in December 2015 to seat the new LSB (per the bylaws).”

Moved (J. Kobren) as substitute to her previous motion that given timing issues, the LSB will schedule its next meeting for Jan. 23.

It was recognized that this motion was equivalent to B. Whipperman’s motion. Whipperman’s motion approved by show of hands, one abstention.

6.   Announcements
B. Edwards-Tiekert: phone room needs volunteers for fund drive. Crafts Fair is coming up.

7.   Public comments
Kathy Horsley

8.   Pacifica by-laws amendments
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to limit debate on each proposed amendment to two for and two against. Approved by show of hands, no votes against.

Moved (C. Alderson) to recess as LSB and reconvene as Delegate Assembly. Approved without objection.

Amendment #1: Art.IV, sec. 8: terms of office; term limits

Moved (J. Kobren) to approve.

Moved (L. Sawyer) to end debate. Approved by show of hands, one vote against.

On motion: Failed: 12Y (C. Alderson, V. Browning, M. Burnstein, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Gans, J. Kobren, J. Kurzweil, D. Landau, S. Morgan, L. Sawyer, C. Travis, B. Whipperman)
2N (D. Goldmacher, M. Hernandez)
[Note: majority of at least 13 necessary for bylaws approval.]

Amendment #2: Art. IV, sec. 2: eligibility, nomination of delegates
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to approve.

Approved: 14Y (C. Alderson, V. Browning, M. Burnstein, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Gans, D. Goldmacher, M. Hernandez, J. Kobren, J. Kurzweil, D. Landau, S. Morgan, L. Sawyer, C. Travis, B. Whipperman); 0N; 0A.

Amendment #3: Minutes to include roll call, lack of quorum at PNB
Approved: 13Y  (C. Alderson, V. Browning, M. Burnstein, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Gans, D. Goldmacher, J. Kobren, J. Kurzweil, D. Landau, S. Morgan, L. Sawyer, C. Travis, B. Whipperman); 0N; 1A (M. Hernandez)

Amendment #4: Add LSB fundraiser to Art. 7, sec. 3
Failed: 11Y  (M. Burnstein, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Gans, D. Goldmacher, M. Hernandez, J. Kobren, D. Landau, S. Morgan, L. Sawyer, C. Travis, B. Whipperman); 0N; 3A (C. Alderson, V. Browning, J. Kurzweil)

Amendment #5: Minutes to include roll call, lack of quorum at LSB
Approved: 13Y  (C. Alderson, V. Browning, M. Burnstein, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Gans, D. Goldmacher, J. Kobren, J. Kurzweil, D. Landau, S. Morgan, L. Sawyer, C. Travis, B. Whipperman); 0N; 1A (M. Hernandez)

Amendment #6: Art. 6, sec. 3: Telephonic meetings of Board of Directors
Approved: 15Y (C. Alderson, V. Browning, M. Burnstein, B. Edwards-Tiekert, D. Gans, D. Goldmacher, M. Hernandez, C. Johnson, J. Kobren, J. Kurzweil, D. Landau, S. Morgan, L. Sawyer, C. Travis, B. Whipperman); 0N

9.   Treasurer’s report
(B. Whipperman)
B. Whipperman distributed latest P&L statement (TR1). She asked board members to review it and email her with any questions. Bank balance is low at $6500 after payroll. Lots of activity with the fund drive and bills to be paid, but this is typical for this time of year. Fund drive is doing very well with good daily totals and general good feeling. Vehicle donations are steady and this year we got a big one at $5k. Fund drive is Dec. 8-18, 11 days, with $450k goal. As of last night more than 30% or $140k raised with only 36% of days elapsed.

10.   PNB (J. Kobren)
Close to hiring new CFO. NES reported to PNB last night on election status. No election at WPFW where there are not enough candidates. A new board has been declared seated. KPFK, KPFT, WBAI had not reached quorum by Dec. 4 so NES extended balloting close date to Jan. 24. Concerns about where ballot count will be and transparency.

2016 affiliates directors: 2 to be appointed to PNB. Deadline for nominees was Nov. 15 but only 1 application was received. Last night PNB seated that nominee and decided that further applications could be submitted by Dec. 23.

Nomination deadline for PNB directors from LSB is Dec. 31.

Moved (D. Goldmacher) that the PNB take up question of how to learn from KPFA’s successes.

Moved (J. Kobren) to table motion. Approved: 5Y, 2N.

Adjourned 12:52 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson

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