LSB January 2016 meeting records

KPFA LSB regular in-person meeting
January 23, 2016 11am-4pm
North Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA
2015 LSB  
Item # Time* Item Est start time
1 Call to Order 11:00 AM
2 5 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members 11:00 AM
3 5 Approve Agenda, 2015 LSB portion 11:05 AM
4 5 Approve Minutes 11:10 AM
5 5 Election of pro-tem chair 11:15 AM
6 Adjournment of 2015 LSB 11:20 AM
2016 LSB
Item # Time* Item Est start time
1 Convening of 2016 LSB 11:20 AM
2 30 Election of LSB officers 11:50 AM
3 5 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members 11:55 AM
4 10 Approve Agenda, 2016 LSB portion 12:00 PM
5 5 Announcements 12:10 PM
7 5 CAB report 12:45 PM
8 5 New board welcome and introductions 12:50 PM
9 20 Approve meeting 2016 meeting schedule 12:55 PM
10 20 General manager’s report 1:15 PM
11 20 Treasurer’s Report 1:35 PM
12 10 Break 1:55 PM
13 30 PNB delegates elections 2:05 PM
14 15 PNB report 2:35 PM
15 5 KFCF Report 2:50 PM
16 Old Business
10     A.  Local community news & public affairs (A. Prichett) 2:55 PM
10     B.  LSB subcommittees (J. Kobren) 3:05 PM
5     C.  Feature Story News (V. Browning) 3:15 PM
10     D.  Livestreaming (A. Prichett) 3:20 PM
New business
5    A.  1/30/2012 minutes regarding Jackson Lewis contract 3:30 PM
17 Adjourn 3:35 PM
*Times are advisory.



KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting
January 23, 2016, 11am-4:00pm
North Berkeley Senior Center

1901 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at

Present: Sharon Adams, Craig Alderson, William Campisi, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Anthony Fest, José Luis Fuentes, Sasha Futran, Kate Gowen, Mark Hernandez*, Sabrina Jacobs, Janet Kobren, David Lynch, Tim Lynch, Samsarah Morgan, Scott Olsen, TM Scruggs, Frank Sterling, Leland Thompson, Carole Travis, Barbara Whipperman, Burton White, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers.
*Arrived after roll call.

Absent: Joy Moore, Ramsés Teón-Nichols, Quincy McCoy (ex officio)

1.   Call to order
Meeting called to order at 11:15 am by pro-tem chair C. Travis.

J. Kobren raised point of order that Andrea Prichett’s seat should have been replaced by runner-up from 2012 election results. Beth Seligman, next in line, was unable to take seat, therefore next in line is Oriana Saportas and TM Scruggs should not be seated. Chair ruled that TM Scruggs should be seated and that KPFA situation was different from WBAI situation, which was cited as precedent.

Moved (J. Kobren) to challenge ruling of chair. Moved (W. Campisi) to limit debate to one minute each. Approved without objection. On upholding of chair’s ruling, approved: 14Y (C. Alderson, W. Campisi, B. Edwards-Tiekert, J.L. Fuentes, S. Futran, K. Gowen, D. Lynch, T. Lynch, L. Thompson, C. Travis, B. Whipperman, B. White, M. Wilkinson, R. Withers);  5N (A. Fest, J. Kobren, S. Morgan, S. Olsen, F. Sterling); 2A (S. Adams, S. Jacobs).

2.  Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to excuse R. Teón-Nichols and J. Moore. Approved without objection.

3.   Approve agenda
Moved (B. White) to adopt agenda as drafted.

Moved (B. Whipperman) to move #8 (New board welcome and introductions) to #2. Approved by show of hands.

Moved (J. Kobren) to hold #17 (Minutes regarding Jackson Lewis contract) in executive session at time certain for report out today.

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to divide J. Kobren motion as 1) executive session, and 2) at time certain or earlier if possible. On going into executive session, failed: 5Y (S. Adams, J. Kobren, S. Morgan, S. Olsen, F. Sterling); 5N (C. Alderson, W. Campisi, J.L. Fuentes, K. Gowen, B. White); 12A (B. Edwards-Tiekert, A. Fest, S. Futran, S. Jacobs, D. Lynch, T. Lynch, TM Scruggs, L. Thompson, C. Travis, B. Whipperman, M. Wilkinson, R. Withers).

On agenda as amended, approved by show of hands, 0 votes against.

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to move to announcements and public comments. Approved without objection.

4.   Announcements
B. Edwards-Tiekert, F. Sterling, J.L. Fuentes

5.   Public comments
Aileen Alfanderry, Tes Welborn, Stan Woods, Daniel Borgstrom.

6.   Election of LSB officers
Akio Tanaka served as election committee.

C. Travis* – 15
F. Sterling – 7
M. Wilkinson – 1

 Vice chair
R. Teon-Nichols – 11
S. Jacobs – 11

Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to revote. Revote results:
R. Teon-Nichols* – 13
S. Jacobs – 10

C. Alderson* by acclamation

S. Adams – 9
B. Whipperman* – 14

7. CAB report (C. Wolfley)
CAB task is to get input from community. Got positive feedback about MLK march. People took literature. Station provided timely news and coverage via Hard Knock and other programs. Flashpoints in San Jose interviewing about housing issues. These are examples of what people look to KPFA for.

Robin Collins added that she has returned to CAB. There will be a community input meeting Mar. 26 at S. Berkeley public library. CAB members have received numerous questions about LSB elections and have reported problems with election and ballot procedures.

Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to take up PNB elections out of order, following approval of minutes. Approved without objection.

8.   Minutes
Moved (M. Wilkinson) to approve minutes of Dec. 12, 2015, meeting as corrected. Approved without objection.

9.   PNB representatives election

Delegate Assembly
Body recessed as LSB at 1:50 pm and reconvened as Delegate Assembly for purpose of electing representatives to the PNB.

Delegate Assembly roll call
S. Adams, C. Alderson, W. Campisi, B. Edwards-Tiekert, A. Fest, J.L. Fuentes, S. Futran, K. Gowen, M. Hernandez, S. Jacobs, J. Kobren, D. Lynch, T. Lynch, S. Morgan, S. Olsen, TM Scruggs, F. Sterling, L. Thompson, C. Travis, B. Whipperman, B. White, M. Wilkinson.

Absent: J. Moore, R. Teon-Nichols.

Election of representatives

Listener position

Threshold needed to win: 6

M. Wilkinson* – 14
J. Kobren* – 8
J.L. Fuentes* – 6.85
Mark Hernandez – 2 (#2 choices)

Staff position
B. Edwards-Tiekert* – 14
A. Fest – 7

Moved (B. White) to adjourn as Delegate Assembly. Reconvened as LSB 2:20 pm.

Moved (W. Campisi) to suspend rules to add “Inspection of personnel files” under new business. Failed (2/3 needed): 14Y (C. Alderson, W. Campisi, B. Edwards-Tiekert, J.L. Fuentes, S. Futran, K. Gowen, M. Hernandez, D. Lynch, T. Lynch, L. Thompson, B. Whipperman, B. White, M. Wilkinson, R. Withers); 8N (S.Adams, A. Fest, S. Jacobs, J. Kobren, S. Morgan, S. Olsen, TM Scruggs, F. Sterling).

10.   2016 meeting schedule
Moved (B. Whipperman) to adopt her proposed meeting schedule.

Moved amendment (S. Adams) to add Mar. 19 and Oct. 29.

Moved as substitute (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to set the next meeting for Feb. 27 and postpone discussion of future dates to that meeting. Approved by show of hands, no votes against.

On main motion: approved unanimously by show of hands.

11. GM report.
R. Withers read the general manager’s report. See GM1 attached.

12.   Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman)
Treasurer’s report begins at 1:03:00 of part 2. TR1 is quarterly P&L report ending Dec. 31, 2015. Right border of col. G should be at col. H. Depreciation is listed as expense (line 94) but added back in as revenue (line 42). Central services rate is based on 4-year record. Community events (line 141) shows expenses, which lines 17-18 show income. New Pacifica CFO has ambitious plan for audit schedule and is moving ahead.

TR2 reports on fund drive that ended in December. “Rate” shows fulfillment rate, which will climb. 80-90% fulfillment rate is usual. “Acquisitions” = new memberships; “renewals” = renewed memberships; “rejoins” = renewed memberships after lapsing.

13.   PNB (J. Kobren)
Four of seven proposed bylaws amendments were approved, dealing with term limits, phone meetings, and PNB and LSB quorums. New CFO hired Jan. 4. 2016 PNB will be seated Jan. 28. Next in-person PNB scheduled for March or April in Berkeley. There are strategic planning initiatives to consolidate accounting process, reduce number of bank accounts, and use same accounting system throughout network. M. Wilkinson added that the strategic planning task force with George Reiter is open to any LSB member who wants to participate; approximately one meeting a month.

14.   KFCF (R. Withers)
Received small bequest of $8,000. Had taken streaming off-line for various reasons but hope to resume streaming again soon.

Adjourned 4:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson