There’s no question that antifascism has taken up a lot of space on both IGD and within the wider anarchist movement. Talk about antifascists has also spilled into the mainstream, with many journalists treating it, along with the tactics like the black bloc, as a new phenomenon that has arisen in the past few months … Continued

Photos from Ann Harkness In this audio reportback, we speak with Kit O’Connell, of the OSWN Collective in Austin, Texas. In the interview, we discuss what happened on June 10th, and how a group of anarchists and antifascists were able to shut down a anti-Muslim rally attended by neo-Nazis and Alt-Right ‘Stickmen.’ Kit explains the context … Continued

The Tilted Scales Collective has recently published a brand new book entitled, A Tilted Guide to Being a Defendant, which discusses various strategies, both personal, legal, and political, that defendants can draw from while facing down both charges and a jury trial. See all our "In Defense of Revolutionary Struggle" tour events at Continually updating our … Continued

Less than a week ago, according to witnesses at the University of Maryland, Richard Collins III, who was about to receive his degree and graduate, was brutally stabbed and murdered by Sean Urbanski, a white supremacist and a member of the Alt-Right online Facebook group, the “Alt-Reich.” Sean Urbanski and Richard Collins III Collins is tragically … Continued

On this episode, we caught up with George Ciccariello-Maher, a radical professor, organizer, and author of the recent book, Decolonizing Dialectics. We discuss both their coming under fire from Alt-Right trolls after mocking the concept of ‘white genocide’ on social media, but also discuss the notion of free speech itself. We talk about his recent appearance … Continued