The women and girls of the Pink Panther Sorority join us in the studio to talk about self esteem and solidarity in sisterhood. PINK PANTHER SORORITY Facebook Email Follow the women of @pinkpanthersororityinc on Instagram: Ms. T: @__mst__ Nyisha Moncrease: @blackberry_nyi Tamika Renee: @micky_cruz_ WE RISE Email Twitter  @weriseproducers Facebook & Instagram  @weriseproduction

We want to celebrate the legacy of radical organizing in this region and also call into question the false narratives that pedestalize certain leaders and organizations without acknowledging the ways in which they were problematic and even counterrevolutionary. As the call to reclaim Martin Luther King, Jr.’s radical legacy sounds throughout the Bay Area, we … Continued

DJ Deep Space takes us through a galaxy of music to celebrate the turn of the Gregorian calendar – welcome 2018! We Rise co-producer Nicole Gervacio co-hosts with Cat Petru. Guests include the ineffable DJ Deep Space and doula and artist Megan Chadwick of NECTAR birth collective. Join us for jams that will get you … Continued

In this conversation about transformative justice and healing, Mia Mingus of the Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective poses the questions, “What is accountability? What is justice?” How can our movements be survivor centered? What IS community? LINKS Mia Mingus’ website Leaving Evidence: Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective: Pods and Pod Mapping Worksheet: BATJC Resource Page: … Continued

Host Laura Echegaray discusses Puerto Rico – or Borinquen, the island’s indigenous name – the current social and political situation, how we got where we are, and what’s next. We will learn some historical facts about the relationship between the U.S. government and Puerto Rico. We will go over the concept of disaster capitalism as … Continued

This is rebroadcast of Full Circle, produced by members of KPFA’s First Voice Apprenticeship program. This episode is hosted and produced by our own Catherine Petru. Arisika Razak and Hemal Lalabhai join Catherine to discuss Arundhati Roy and Alice Walker’s recent dialogue as part of KQED’s City Arts & Lectures. This show features: – Arundhati … Continued