In Kansas City, Black 16-year old Ralph Yarl was shot twice by a white homeowner last week, through a glass door, after ringing the doorbell at the wrong address while trying to pick up his younger siblings. After stalling on the part of prosecutors, the white and elderly shooter was arrested after an eruption of … Continued

An Ella Baker Center for Human Rights’ 2020 study found that people of color accounted for 99% of the youth under probation supervision in Alameda County. Youth who become entangled in the criminal legal system often find themselves stuck in a web of carceral violence for the rest of their lives. That report also found … Continued

This week, Oakland teachers are voting on a strike authorization amid stalled contract negotiations. Joining us to discuss is Kampala Taiz-Rancifer, is the Vice President of the Oakland Education Association and a founding member of the Black Women’s Caucus. The Oakland Education Association represents nearly 3,000 K-12 teachers, Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Speech Pathologists, Early … Continued

On Tuesday evening, April 18th, the plan to phase out the COVID 19 eviction moratorium will be presented to Oakland’s City Council. The proposal is being put forth by Councilmember Nikki Fortunado-Bas and Councilmember Dan Kalb, and it went to the Community and Economic Development Committee last week where, despite a very raucous meeting, it … Continued

Three AAPI led organizations here in the bay area have launched a new campaign tackling hate against the AAPI community. We are joined by Tony D., Executive Director of Youth Together; along with Mike Cheng, Deputy Director of Asian Prisoner Support Committee; and Nicole Lee, Executive Director of Urban Peace Movement. —- Subscribe to this podcast: … Continued

Louisiana has for the first time ever filed charges against police for killing someone – in this case, that’s Ronald Greene. We are joined by Mona Hardin, the mother of Ronald Greene. She has been fighting to unearth truth and for justice in the name of her son since 2019. She just made it back … Continued