In San Francisco, London Breed flip flops again – when non-carceral response to mental health crisis was dominating the headlines she vowed the city would lead with such programming, but now while at the same time fighting for more police funding, she is refusing to support alternative responses to community crisis. Joining us to discuss … Continued

We start today’s show in Los Angeles, where the City and its police department are upset that a police watchdog group called Stop LAPD Spying Coalition has released public records of individual LAPD officers including their headshots and salaries, and are now suing even though they are the ones who initially released the photos. Joining … Continued

In today’s episode, we discuss the new state law passed in Idaho last week, which restricts travel for minors seeking abortion. The legislation creates a new crime of “abortion trafficking,” which carries a felony offense punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Our guest is Jessica Mason Pieklo, Senior Vice President and Executive Editor … Continued

The Black Power movement, often associated with its iconic spokesmen, derived much of its energy from the work of people whose stories have never been told. Stayed On Freedom brings into focus two unheralded Black Power activists who dedicated their lives to the fight for freedom. Zoharah Simmons and Michael Simmons fell in love while … Continued

Growing conservatism among religious nationalist movements is threatening people without political power across borders. On today’s episode, we look at the colonial, military and political connections between India and its conservative Hindutva movement, and Israel’s zionist movement. The lands of both these countries were British colonies, and their political development since formal colonial times have … Continued

We spend this hour with legendary former political prisoner and civil rights icon, famed for her leadership and education work with the Black Panther Party – Ericka Huggins, who recently released a new book along with Stephen Shames: Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party. “This stunning collection of historical photographs, complimented by contemporary … Continued