Law & Disorder w/ Cat Brooks

Prisoner Drops Dead from Heatstroke at California Women’s Prison w/ Elizabeth ‘Leesa’ Nomura

Today, we discuss the case of a woman who dropped dead at the Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) in Chowchilla, apparently due to heatstroke. Last year, the Sacramento Bee reported that the prison’s cooling systems had failed during a heat wave. According to prisoners, temperatures inside the facility had topped 80 degrees. Our guest Elizabeth “Leesa” Nomura was formerly incarcerated at Chowchilla. She is a longtime prisoner advocate and Membership Organizer for the California Coalition of Women’s Prisoners. The organization is calling for a public health investigation into the death at CCWF.
In our conversation, Leesa described this Crisis to Care Report authored by Human Impact Partners, CURB and other partner orgs:


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