While much of the public is still reeling over the election of Donald Trump, the power of his appeal may be less surprising than we think, given America’s long history of right-wing populism and the contradictions of liberalism. Steve Fraser traces the history of the notion of the limousine liberal, central to right-wing populism and … Continued

The overtly racist politics of Donald Trump has been called unprecedented — a break from the Republican Party’s past rules of engagement.  But a look backward, particularly at the GOP’s Southern Strategy to woo white voters based on segregationist or racist appeals, indicates how inaccurate that assumption is. Edward H. Miller discusses the origins of … Continued

Is the white working class a group of bigots?  They’re the backbone of Donald Trump’s support, we’re told by the mainstream media, although it’s not clear if that’s actually true.  Within the left, as well as the mainstream, there frequently is an assumption that white workers, particularly provincial white workers, are almost inherently reactionary—and that … Continued