Originally aired October 8, 2019  Caroline hosts guest wizard Dr. Bruce Damer, multi-disciplinary scientist, designer, author, storyteller, archivist, artist, NASA entheo astronomer. (And Organizational Pragmatic Mystic Muse, Hanna!) Dr. Bruce works collaboratively with colleagues in developing and testing a new model for the origin of life on Earth (Terrestrial Origin of Life Hypothesis); in the design of … Continued

Defiant Joy as antidote to churlish cruelty… Honoring July 4th on July 5th… with heartening contributions from Paul Robeson, Frantzich Brothers, Bab Aziz, and Hamid El Shari. Considering Music as an entheogen, opening up passageways, whereby we may participate in spiraling blessing into the Memosphere. Caroline weaves words in and out of worthy music… to … Continued

Caroline hosts Dr. Joe Tafur, Colombian-American family physician originally from Phoenix, Arizona. After training at UCLA, Dr. Tafur spent two years in academic research at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry in a lab focused on mind-body medicine. After his research fellowship, over a period of six years, he lived and worked in the Peruvian Amazon at … Continued