Caroline welcomes the return of permaculture-distillation green wizard David Blume, mega-contributor to Rising Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity (and fellow cahooter at the imminent Symbiosis festival As Venus returns from the Underworld, carrying the mojo of Symbiosis…. “David Blume, researcher, author, farmer and alcohol fuel pioneer first began to work on the puzzle of … Continued

Caroline welcomes long-time ally Deborah Felmeth, Venusian guide to intimacy with the beauty of the Middle East, author of the forthcoming book: “Syria- remember me!” on this waxing Moon of Compassionate Kinship, anniversary of Katrina, time of devastating destruction in Syria. May poignancy and grief strengthen kinship. The oppressor actually seeks the Medicine of what … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

Pluto Fly-by Radio

in which Caroline welcomes astro*mytho*Perma-culture*community *catalyst*festivista, Cassandra Ferrera, that we honor Pluto, the Death and Resurrection Show; tossing everything into the cauldron; addressing “How shall we gather for greatest replenishing effectiveness?… myriad festivals and conferences… May the circle of habitual gathering be struck by lightning, turning it into a spiral.

The Visionary Activist Show

Metaphysical America-“fellowship supper reunites old comrades”

Caroline hosts Pat Ewing, political-spiritual Coyote Network News correspondent, as we begin our Mythic News campaign coverage, that we inaugurate (magnetize and animate) the esoteric soul of America… Composting the up-to-no-good into nutrient for a Reconnaissance Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity dedicated to collective-well being of all the flora and fauna.