MOST VALUABLE RADIO SHOW on their Progressive Honor Roll for 2016. Congratulations to Mitch for the well deserved recognition!
Here’s what the Nation had to say about the show:
Veteran broadcaster Mitch Jeserich started a radio program called Letters From Washington to chronicle the first 100 days of the Obama administration. That program evolved into Letters & Politics, which airs daily on Berkeley’s pioneering Pacifica station KPFA. Erudite and adventurous, Jeserich can jump from a discussion about how civilization has changed over a thousand years with historian Ian Mortimer, to an examination of Islamophobia with international human-rights campaigner Arsalan Iftikhar, to a review of Trump’s conflicted cabinet picks with Pratap Chatterjee, the executive director of CorpWatch. This is talk radio that makes you smarter.
I love Mitch’s show, not quite as much as when he did all the question-asking. I appreciate the democratic impulse, but I’m not sure the listener comments are up to snuff.
Recognition by Nation magazine is well deserved! I listen to Letters and Politics as often as I can and always learn something…
I appreciate the spirit of inviting the listener into the conversation but rarely do if feel they draw more out of a guest than Mitch would. Congrats on the notice, well-deserved.
Mitch, your show is great, and this honor much deserved. I recommend your show to all of my students at Laney College. (I also recommend Your Call with Rose Aguilar at KALW, so I make sure they know how to use the online archives!) Thank you for helping us all learn about history and be better informed participants in public discourse.
Mitch, heard your segment this AM on the Russia scandal. You might want to check out this book: McMafia by Misha Glenny. He has contributed to most major US and Euro newspapers and current affairs magazines. Specializes in the Balkans, which is to say those countries resulting from the fall of the Soviet Union. His book is the story of global organized crime.