Womens Magazine
This hour long radio program presents and discusses women’s lives and issues globally and locally from a radical, multiracial, feminist, mujerist, womanist perspective.
Women’s Magazine: A look at Proposition 8. – November 17, 2008
A look at Proposition 8 and talk about what went wrong with the No on 8 campaign, whether issues of racism have divided us, and we look at the invisible underlying economic issues of the anti-gay marriage movement and move us beyond looking at religion and homophobia and give us an alternative progressive vision of … Continued
Women’s Magazine: Las Comadres, episode 3. – November 10, 2008
This week on Women's Magazine we air the 3rd episode of the radio novela, Las Comadres, three senoras who meet regularly at a cafe to discuss how to repair the world. Today they make plans for the annual international day for the elimination of violence against women and girls. On Nov 25, they will meet … Continued
Women’s Magazine – September 15, 2008
What has caused the explosion of women in prison, how the women and transgenders who are forced into these prisons are treated, and how, as feminists we can address violence against women and transgenders without resorting to the police and incarceration. We interview three women anti-prison activists who will be speaking at the upcoming Critical … Continued