Voices of the Middle East and North Africa

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa – March 3, 2004

Johayna Marlow conducts a special interview-report with Anne Gwynne from Nablus on the plight of Palestinian women suffering under the illegal Israeli occupation. For questions or comments about this show, visit Middle East Radio Project or contact contact@me-radio.org. To communicate with the Middle East Radio Project Collective on women’s issues in the Middle East, please … Continued

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa – February 25, 2004

Tonight we’ll talk with North African ethnologist Helene Hagan and Berber musician Moh Alileche in the first installment of a series on the history of the Berbers of North Africa. Also, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution and the recent Islamic parliamentary elections in Iran, we’ll host a discussion with … Continued

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa – February 11, 2004

History Professor Beshara Dumani of U.C. Berkeley will be in conversation with Professor Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian teaching at Haifa University, about his new book A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two People. It begins with the Ottomans in the early 1800s and traces a path through the arrival of the early Zionists … Continued

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa – February 4, 2004

An interview with Oren Yiftachel, the professor of geography at the University of Ben-Gurion in Israel. He talks about the issue of identity and political ramification of building the apartheid wall. He also touches on the self perception of Israeli people and the issue of one state solution. This is the second time Professor Oren … Continued

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa – January 14, 2004

Today we discuss the situation of the working class in Iran with long-time Iranian labor activist Yadollah Khosro-shahi. Also, the artists of the Iranian diaspora have been active in creating their literature and art in their original language. But the reflection of these artistic activities in their host countries has not been substantial. In the … Continued

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa – January 7, 2004

This week , we have a special program on the devastating earthquake in Iran that took the lives of more than 35,000 people. We talk with prominent Iranian writer Alisharaf Darvisian, and Dr Fariborz Raisdana, economist from Iran, about the efforts of non-governmental organizations to help the survivors of the earth quake and the Islamic … Continued

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa

Voices of the Middle East and North Africa – December 24, 2003

Are all Christians united behind Bush and other "Born Again" or fundamentalist Christians? Is the war being waged against the peoples of the Middle East a religious war? Why are Christian fundamentalists making alliances with zionists in Israel? How do some Christians reconcile the Israeli land grabs from Palestinians? Especially when many Christian leaders, organizations, … Continued