A breakthrough agreement over Iran’s nuclear program is already drawing howls of outrage from Israel and congressional Republicans – now they have 60 days to convince two thirds of Congress to shoot it down. We go over what’s in the deal, and what’s next. Plus: San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors takes up new regulations on … Continued

#SaveE12th Oakland’s City Council is under fire for moving forward with an land deal to sell off city owned land to build luxury apartments.  A report by the East Bay Express earlier this week shows that the City Attorney Barbara Parker had advised the Council back in February that the deal violates the State’s Surplus … Continued

Immigrations and Customs Enforcement is poised to deport Daniel Maher, the director of Berkeley’s Curbside Recycling Program – a man who’s lived in this country since the age of three. And it’s all because of increased cooperation between the US and China. We’ll get the details from an attorney working on his case. But first: … Continued


Greece votes against austerity — so now what? Plus: Max Blumenthal on Gaza

  Greek voters just rejected an austerity proposal from their government’s creditors by a landslide 61% vote. The day after the election, financial markets are in turmoil, and high-level meetings are kicking off across Europe, but there’s one regular who won’t be attending. Greek Finance Minister Yanis Veroufakis resigned shortly after his position won the … Continued

Greek Debt Crisis Greek voters are under tremendous pressure as they gear up for this Sunday’s referendum.  They’ll choose whether or not to accept another bailout deal from the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the IMF.  The deal would give Greece more money, but demands deeper austerity measures – cuts to pensions and … Continued

We bring you the story of a band that helped spread the 1960s counterculture from San Francisco’s Haight Asbury to towns and cities across the country . . . for five decades. It’s a cultural history of the Grateful Dead, with Peter Richardson. But first: the United Church of Christ, which numbers nearly one million … Continued