
May Day: Exoneration in the US; Behind the Scenes of Oakland performance “One Truthiness;” Peace Talks at the Korean Summit; Plus: Cat Brooks is running for Mayor of Oakland

7:34am – Obie Anthony (@ObieAnthony) is the founder of Exonerated Nation, an organization that serves California exonerees. He was incarcerated for 17 years before being exonerated in 2011. 8:08 – Oakland performance The One Truthiness  Ayodele “Wordslinger” Nzinga, co-producer and director of One Truthiness, is also a playwright, poet, educator, actor and founder of the Lower Bottom … Continued

7:08am – Jamaine Tipler is a former inmate in Atwater Correctional Facility, a federal prison in Merced County, in Central California. He wrote us about the deplorable conditions he experienced there, and is continuing to raise awareness and demand accountability and reforms to the Bureau of Prison (BOP) policy. Emailed requests for comment from Warden Andre … Continued

7:08 – Amanda Baran Is an Attorney serving as a consultant fro the Immigrant Legal Resources Center, and former Senior Advisor to the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.   7: 34 – Mark Hertsgaard is an investigative reporter for The Nation and author of On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency.

7:08 – Zahra Billoo is a civil rights attorney and the executive director of the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) 7:13 – Sarah Lazare is a reporter for In These Times and a freelancer for other outlets including The Intercept and The Nation. She recently co-authored a joint story with Ear … Continued

7:34 – Darwin BondGraham, staff writer for the East Bay Express who wrote “Back to the Underground,” about new regulations under legalization pushing the cannabis industry back into the illicit market. He also has a new story out about the lack of diversity in recent Oakland Police Department academies and difficulties hiring women and black people … Continued

7:08 – Behind the scenes with the performers of the two-man play “Solitary Man: A Visit to Pelican Bay State Prison,” that will take place on Saturday, April 21  3:00 pm Black Repertory Group Theater 3201 Adeline Street, Berkeley ($10-20). You can find tickets online here.  Fred Johnson is a formerly incarcerated person that has gone on to address the human … Continued

7:34 – Holly Joshi, Executive Director of MISSSEY (@misssey_org), an organization that works with both young people at risk of sexual exploitation and those who have been sexually exploited. She is a former officer at the Oakland Police Department where she worked on the issue of sex trafficking. 8:08 – Kanchan Hunter is co-director at Spiral Gardens Community Farm, a … Continued

7:34 – Haneen Zoabi, a Palestinian member of the Israeli Knesset 7:46 – Maxine Doogan, organizer for the Erotic Service Providers Union and President of Erotic Service Provider Legal, Educational and Research Project on FOSTA-SESTA and SB 1204’s effects on sex workers 8:08 – David Neiwert, investigative journalist, Pacific Northwest correspondent for the Southern Poverty Law Center, and author … Continued