0:08 – Nigeria holds its general elections in two weeks during which voters will elect the President, National Assembly and a number of governors. Incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari is seeking re-election among some other 70 candidates also running. For more we speak with Dr. Horace Campbell, Professor of African American Studies and Political Science at Syracuse … Continued

0:08 – On Monday, the US announced a new framework for peace talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan. The basic outline: the Taliban–which controls about 40% of the territory in Afghanistan, would agree to not let terrorists operate from the area it controls. The US would pull out — which could mark an end to the … Continued

0:08 – PG&E declares bankruptcy the same day the PUC grants up to $6 billion in financing Pacific Gas and Electric Company, PG&E, filed for bankruptcy today, after the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved a 6 billion dollar credit line for PG&E.  The private utility announced it filed for bankruptcy just after midnight. The CPUC … Continued

0:08 – US Sanctions Venezuelan Oil Company Miguel Tinker-Salas (@mtinkersalas) is a Professor of Latin American history at Pomona College. His books include Venezuela: What Everyone Needs to Know and The Enduring Legacy: Oil, Culture, and Society in Venezuela. 0:34 – New path to appeal opens for Mumia Abu-Jamal Rachel Wolkenstein is a civil rights attorney,and has been a legal … Continued

0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch Kamala Harris rallies her base in Oakland campaign speech over the weekend The end of the government shutdown…for now. Plus, the debate on Trump’s wall and the crisis at the border. 0:34 – Ken White (@Popehat) is a former federal prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, and First Amendment Litigator at Brown White & … Continued

0:08 – Thousands of citizens are protesting across Zimbabwe amidst a brutal government crackdown that has seen at least 12 dead and thousands more injured this week. We speak with Dr. Chipo Dendere (@drDendere) a Zimbabwean political scientist and professor at Amherst College, about the political unrest there and some its root causes. 0:34 – There is a … Continued

0:08 – Government shutdown day 34: Immigration Courts We’re joined by newly retired judge, Ashley Tabaddor, president of the National Association of Immigration Judges based in Los Angeles. 0:34 – As LA teachers strike, and Oakland approaches its own strike amid financial crisis, we speak with an education expert on the roots of these issues … Continued

0:08 – Los Angeles teachers have reached a deal with LA Unified, ending a historic strike What’s behind the wave of teacher militancy? Sarah Jaffe (@sarahljaffe )is a reporting fellow at the Type Media Center, who’s been covering the LA Teachers’ strike for The Nation. Her most recent book is Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt. 0:15 – What … Continued

0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch: The government shutdown, day 32 Kamala Harris announces bid for the Presidency Jan 22 march to reclaim Dr King’s radical legacy drew thousands in Oakland – was there a media blackout? 0:34 – Why the microbes that live in your house are . . . good Rob Dunn (@RRobDunn) is a Professor … Continued

0:08 – Reclaiming Martin Luther King’s Radical Legacy Ash-lee Woodard Henderson is the Co-Executive Director of the Highlander Research and Education Center (@HighlanderCtr) based in Tennessee, which serves as a catalyst for grassroots organizing and movement building in Appalachia and the South. Charlene Carruthers (@CharleneCac) is a community organizer and educator. She is founding National Director of the Black Youth … Continued