0:08 – Anti-black racism in China is forcing people from their homes, jobs, and sense of home Roberto Castillo (@castillorocas) is Assistant Professor with the Cultural Studies Department at the Lingnan University in Hong Kong, and contributor to Quartz.  0:34 – Serology testing and community spread: what’s the latest Julia Schaletzky, PhD is Executive Director … Continued

0:08 – Mondays with Mitch: living under shelter-in-place, balancing risks of going out, and more on federal relief. 0:34 – Homeless advocates are demanding answers after an incident Friday in which Oakland Police officers drew guns on two volunteers who spent the morning handing out humanitarian supplies at unhoused encampments. KPFA’s Ariel Boone (@arielboone) reports.  Candace … Continued

0:08 – New federal COVID-19 relief package Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) is senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. 0:34 – Local journalism in crisis Paul Cobb is the publisher and editor of the Post News Group (@PostNewsGroup), which includes eight newspapers, and one Spanish language paper, El Mundo, serving Bay Area minority … Continued

0:08 – Trump blocks new green cards, vowing an “end to immigration” Alma Maquitico is co-director of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (@NNIRRnetwork).  0:20 – Megadrought in the western US? Jason Smerdon is a Research Professor at Columbia’s  Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, he co-author of a new report in Science warning a megadrought … Continued

0:08 – Who’s behind the protests against shelter-in-place? Jason Wilson (@jason_a_w) is a journalist covering right-wing groups and white nationalist violence, usually for the Guardian. His latest piece is ‘The rightwing groups behind wave of protests against Covid-19 restrictions.’ 0:34 – What’s happening with testing? Ask a scientist. Gregg Gonsalves (@gregggonsalves) is the co-director of … Continued

0:08 – Mondays with Mitch: police killing of Steven Demarco Taylor yesterday at a Walmart in San Leandro yesterday, plus the latest on the coronavirus relief funds, why some people have not received checks yet, and more on Congress struggling to continue operations. 0:34 – Transportation in the time of COVID-19 Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez (@FitzTheReporter) … Continued

0:08 – Snapshot from the epicenter of the pandemic: New York City Kevin Powell (@kevin_powell) is a writer, public speaker, and civil and human rights activist, is the author of 14 books, including the memoir, The Education of Kevin Powell: A Boy’s Journey into Manhood. He lives in New York City, and recently visited all … Continued

0:08 – Trump cuts WHO funding, and G20 announces debt suspension for 76 developing nations Nadia Daar (@nadiadaar) is the head of the Washington DC office of Oxfam International. 0:34 – Q&A: Healthcare and insurance available in California Peter Lee is the Executive Director of California’s health benefit exchange, “Covered California” (@CoveredCAnews) Anthony Wright (@aewright) … Continued

0:08 – The Trump administration’s management of medical supplies Cyrus Farivar (@cfarivar) reporter in the tech investigative unit at NBC, co-authored a massive investigation into how the Trump administration is steering emergency medical supply contracts at nbcnews.com 0:34 – Why are hospitals cutting healthcare workers during a crisis? Michael Sainato (@msainat1) is a labor reporter … Continued