The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – October 15, 2003

As the Senate debates President Bush’s 87 billion dollar Iraq request, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the Congressional Black Caucus announce they’ll oppose the measure. Former tree-sitter Julia Butterfly Hill says she will commit what may be the single largest such act of war tax resistance by refusing to pay a $150,000 federal tax … Continued

The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – October 13, 2003

Tonight’s News: Israeli troops pull out of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, leaving eight palestinians dead and some 2,000 homeless. In one of his last official acts, Governor Gray Davis signs legislation requiring businesses with large state contracts to offer domestic partners the same benefits as married couples. The Navy agrees to limit its use … Continued

The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – October 10, 2003

Tonight’s News: A closer look at Governor-elect Schwarzenegger’s plan to audit the state’s books and budget. The International Red Cross speaks out about the treatment of the terrorism suspects at the naval base at Guantanamo Cuba. President Bush plans to tighten the enforcement of the embargo on Cuba and tighten the ban on travel to … Continued