Terra Verde

Terra Verde – December 28, 2012

Today we talk about various ways to make would-be waste useful and about changing our perceptions of the “trash” we throw to that mythical place, “away.” Listen in as Dan Knapp, sociologist and founder of Urban Ore (a salvaging establishment in Berkeley) and Brennan Blazer Bird of the Peace on Earthbench Movement (which is based … Continued

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – November 23, 2012

The industrial approach to building is a massive source of waste and pollution. But there is an ancient building material – cheap, abundant, and sustainable – that seems too good to be true but isn’t. Terra Verde discusses Cob – the ancient building material that’s coming back in North America.

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – November 16, 2012

Economic recession has not tarnished the essential win-win proposition behind campaigns for green jobs: we don’t have to choose between employment and the environment; it is possible to address pollution and poverty simultaneously. Tune in as we explore issues of supply and demand in the green job market, delving into two different programs that prepare … Continued