Terra Verde

Flashpoints – May 17, 2004

We go to occupied Baghdad where our special correspondent met with Iraqi government officials and witnessed more US attacks on holy sites; a look at Donald Rumsfeld the impeachable war criminal; the education hunger strikers in Oakland continue their battle against the Governator; a conversation with Gore Vidal and Laura Flanders on the eve of … Continued

The first part in a two-part series, host Adrienne Fitch Frankel explores how to deepen your green by starting your own environmental initiative. Featured guests include Carrie Carlisle of Acta Non Verba, Lynnea Schuk of Don Edwards SF National Wildlife Refuge Junior Rangers, Lisa Owens-Viani of Raptors are the Solution. (Image: International Dialogue for Environmental … Continued

On this special pledge drive edition of Terra Verde, host Michelle Chan explores the legacy of ChevronTexaco’s oil pollution in the Ecuadoran Amazon. Highlights include clips from the documentary Oil and Water and interviews with Paul Paz y Mino of Amazon Watch, and Hugo Lucitante, a young indigenous leader featured in the film. (Image: still from documentary Oil … Continued

Terra Verde

Why We Say #NOKXL!

Today we discuss the latest news from the struggle over the Keystone XL pipeline. Join Faith Spotted Eagle of the Ihanktonwan Oyate (Yankton Sioux) and No KXL Dakota (nokxldakota.org), cattle rancher Ben Gotschall of Bold Nebraska (@BGotschall boldnebraska.org), and David Turnbull of Oil Change International (@david_turnbull priceofoil.org) with host Laura Garzon Chica (@EarthMediaArts) for a show packed … Continued