To open this week’s episode an attorney from Communities for a Better Environment joins Terra Verde to describe the rubber stamp permitting of the conversion of refineries in the SF Bay Area to high deforestation risk liquid biofuels. The second featured interview is with an organizer from the Indigenous Environmental Network who tells listeners how … Continued

On May 3, the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors will hold a hearing on the proposals by Phillips 66 in Rodeo and Marathon in Martinez to turn their refineries into ones that process biofuels from high deforestation risk soy feedstock. Local residents and environmental groups have appealed county approvals of these projects. Today, we are … Continued

California currently has over 1.4 million small-scale rooftop solar systems installed, and California leads the nation in the number of households that have solar panels. Key to California’s relatively swift rise to being a leader in solar energy production is a solar incentive program called net-energy metering, which credits homes, businesses, all types of buildings … Continued

Terra Verde

California Climate Policy Incentivizes Factory Farm Manure Gold Rush

One of the greatest climate challenges for Californians is coming to grips with the perverse outcomes of the states markets-based mechanisms for managing emissions. Public interest attorney Brent Newell joins Terra Verde to describe efforts to address the harms from factory farm pollution and the environmental injustice embedded in the false climate solution of biogas … Continued