In the second installment of a two-part series, Terra Verde host and Earth Island Journal editor Maureen Nandini Mitra speaks climate activists Josephine Ferorelli and Meghan Kallman about Conceivable Future, their initiative to unravel the complex connections between climate justice and reproductive rights and change the narrative of what construes as climate action. Listen to Part 1 … Continued

In the first of a two-part series, Terra Verde host and Earth Island Journal editor Maureen Nandini Mitra speaks climate activists Josephine Ferorelli and Meghan Kallman about Conceivable Future, their initiative to unravel the complex connections between climate justice and reproductive rights and change the narrative of what construes as climate action.

Terra Verde

A Profile of Environmental Justice Organizing in the Northern San Joaquin Valley

Thomas Helme of the Stanislaus County based environmental justice organization Valley Improvement Projects joins Terra Verde for an in-depth interview discussing efforts to raise awareness and demand accountability at one of the most significant waste to energy facilities in the state, and to share with listeners updates about the development of the new climate Scoping … Continued

Terra Verde

A Profile of Environmental Justice Organizing in the Northern San Joaquin Valley

Thomas Helme of the Stanislaus County based environmental justice organization Valley Improvement Projects joins Terra Verde for an in-depth interview discussing efforts to raise awareness and demand accountability at one of the most significant waste to energy facilities in the state, and to share with listeners updates about the development of the new climate Scoping … Continued