First published in 1999, the groundbreaking Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness and Liberation is essential to the history and future of disability politics. Eli Clare’s revelatory writing about his experiences as a white disabled genderqueer activist/writer established him as one of the leading writers on the intersections of queerness and disability and permanently changed the … Continued

Pushing Limits

Dorian Taylor – Sprint Kayaker

(Due to a technical error, this program was cut short last week.  We are running it again in it’s entirety.  It holds crucial information, not just about Dorian Taylor, but the many others who live with mental disabilities.  Our apologies for any inconvenience.) Paralympic hopeful, Dorian Taylor has heard a cacophony of NO in life … Continued

(Due to a technical error, this program begins 5:31 into the half hour and ends abruptly. Our apologies.) Injured in a brutal police tasing, in and out of the psychiatric system as a child, and even unable to access social services and diagnostic health providers, Dorian Taylor’s life has not been easy. Now, Dorian lives with multiple disabilities, many Facebook friends — and hours on beautiful Lake Washington in Seattle.

Who doesn’t support the concept of “Affordable Housing?”  As rents climb to ever-ascending heights and ever more people are pushed from their housing, ‘affordable housing’ is like motherhood and apple pie for activists and elected officials alike.  But are affordable homes truly affordable to people with disabilities who are low income or have SSI as … Continued

As low income renters continue to receive rent increases of $200-500. a month, people with disabilities and others on fixed incomes live in fear of becoming homeless.  Raising the rent, as they skirt or ignore laws meant to protect tenants, is the corporate landlord way. But, some of them are getting organized.  In California, the … Continued

Pushing Limits

Sheela’s Housing Saga

Sixteen months!  That’s right… It took our producer Sheela Gunn-Cushman one year and four months to find an affordable place to live in the high-rent east bay of Northern California. Her story is a mythic saga of slogging through swamps, fording rushing streams and (here and there) stumbling across a golden ring. It’s a story … Continued

Pushing Limits

Disability Community Speaking

The phone lines are open for anyone from the disability community.  (510) 848-4425 You’ve probably seen inspirational porn, those pictures of someone with a disability matched with an encouraging slogan? Remember the facebook photo of a kid with Down Syndrome running a race and the words, “Before you quit, try.”  How does it feel to … Continued