Sometimes, we take accessible buildings for granted; but they aren’t always accessible for people living with disabilities and our rights aren’t always granted.  Every now and then we have to make some noise, show up and be counted, prepare for a smack down… So it was at the California Building Standards Commission last week.  Couldn’t … Continued

Executive Director Catherine Kudlick of the Paul Longmore Institute at San Francisco State University is our guest. The Institute was named after one of the more prominent contemporary historians/scholars in the disability community. Part think-tank, part cultural center, the Longmore Institute introduces new ideas about disability and disabled people.  The work at the intersection of … Continued

Due to 12 years of budget cuts, people with developmental disabilities are taking care of aging parents by themselves, dying alone in single occupancy residences (SROs), and facing a host of other problems. Hear more about the crisis and find out the solutions. We speak to those directly affected.

Highlights from Corbett Joan O’Toole’s reading from her new memoir, Fading Scars: My Queer Disability History.    Partial transcript available here. Arriving in Berkeley among the first wave of people with disabilities, Corbett O’Toole experienced the creation of the west coast Independent Living Movement first hand.  In this book, she brings those early days to life.  … Continued