If you were inspired last week by the disability activists who sat in Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s office until they were dragged away from their wheelchairs, you’ll want to hear Anita Cameron of ADAPT talk about the deep history, the strategy and the future plans of these protesters.  Her website is called Musings of an … Continued

Six year old Ethan Borochoff is interested in many things and most of them are NOT Type 1 Diabetes. Yet, like most kids with severe disabilities, he knows way more than the average bear about the disease he lives with. Listen in to hear how he makes it through his days. Ethan explains it all: … Continued

Dennis Billups joins Eddie Ytuarte with a first person account of the historic disability occupation of the  federal HEW building in 1977.  This protest of the delay of 504 regulations became a precursor to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Billups’ history, as well as that of other disability activists, will be on display in the … Continued

Pushing Limits

“Red Diaper Daughter” – Laura Bock

Fund Drive Special Laura Bock is an extraordinary blind white woman whose new memoir, Red Diaper Daughter tells an extraordinary story of three generations of rebels and revolutionaries. She talks about her communist and anarchist family… and her own journey though a life lived in struggle, self growth and organizing. Laura Bock’s begins her story … Continued

(For a transcript of the first 15 minutes of this half hour program, click here.) Capitalism is about money. Capitalism is about the 80% of disabled people who don’t have full time employment. Capitalism is also about how we think. Capitalism tells us it’s okay the majority of people in jails have learning disabilities, mental … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – April 7, 2017

A half-hour radio show providing critical coverage of disability issues and bringing the insight of the grassroots disability movement to the general public. Pushing Limits advances the voices of people who live with disabilities. It is produced by a collective of media makers and activists who themselves live with disability.

Pushing Limits

Autism and Trans Identity

There is a growing nexus between the autism spectrum and trans identity which we’ll explore as we take an in-depth look at the lives of Autistic people in the Bay Area. Host Mark Romoser and guest Tracy Garza are both Autistic. Tracy will outline an initiative to make San Francisco, with its large trans population, … Continued