P.G.& E. expects to cut off power when fire conditions are strong this year — it’s a fire prevention measure.  But the consequences for people who use electricity for ventilators, oxygen, and other disability life supports have not been taken seriously. These sustained power outages will have dire consequences if better preparations aren’t made — … Continued

We’ve all heard or said things like, “My attendant is part of my family,” or “I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning without an attendant – literally.”   For many people with disabilities, attendants are a crucial part of daily life The Independent Living Movement fought for attendant wages so we weren’t entirely dependent … Continued

Are you free to move about the Bay Area? Reliably? Conveniently? Accessibly? Affordably? Does it bother you that people with cars can go anywhere they wish at any time, while you cannot? Are you forced to ride for several hours in a paratransit vehicle only to arrive at your destination too late for your appointment, … Continued

Pushing Limits

Guide Dogs & Service Animals

Blind People and people with severe sight disabilities rely either on guide dogs or the often seen white canes to replace the function of eyes in sighted persons. We host Theresa Stern from Guide Dogs for the Blind to talk about this most valuable resource and the legal rights of the owners of these animals. … Continued

The disability community can thank people with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (and their allies) for an incredibly useful new tool.  ABLE accounts have come to California.  For the first time, many of us can now amass substantial savings without being penalized with dollars deducted from our Social Security or loss of Medi-Cal benefits! Supplemental Security … Continued

Pushing Limits

Susan da Silva

The State of Our Bodies (& Minds) The State of the World The State of the Pacifica Network   We’re very proud to bring you a discussion with Susan da Silva, one of the newly elected listener representatives to KPFA’s local station board.   Get behind the headlines on far-right President Bolsonaro’s effect on Brazil.  … Continued

Pushing Limits

On Being An Ally

We’re blowing up language, we’re blowing up humanity in talking about expansion of who we are. JOIN us! Fresh! “Lev” White Excerpts from the First Voice apprentice program’s Full Circle show on allyship. This show starts a conversation to re-imagine ourselves and our world…and teaches us A LOT! Jess Dene Schlesinger and Fresh! “Lev” White … Continued