Over the Edge

Over the Edge – December 21, 2007

"The Chopping Channel – World Music World"John Leideker, Peter Conheim, Mark Gergis, DonIn a special holiday edition, "a time of good will towards acquisition," The chopping Channel finds us mixing and selling live and recorded music and everything else in a whole new world of media commerce. Extremely chopped for that exclusive Chopping Channel "salad … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – November 16, 2007

"How Radio Was Done"  Part 58  (November 15, 2007)  Solo 1977, a prolific year, continues with a flashback air check from Jeff Cristy which is what Rush Limbaugh called himself when he was a top 40 DJ, some of the more avant rock music of that year, the weather underground begins to turn itself in, … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – November 9, 2007

"How Radio Was Done"  Part 57  (November 8, 2007)  SoloWe continue 1977 radio with a lengthy tribute to Elvis Presley who died in that year, including several broadcasts from the day of his death and music spanning his career. Also, DJ air checks from ’77 radio, including the Firesign Theater taking over the mikes at … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – October 26, 2007

"How Radio Was Done"  Part 56  (October 25, 2007)  Solo1977 begins with a little help for radio announcing pronunciation, and continues with a talk show host leaving his station to the strains of Pink Floyd, Barry Manilow does ad jingles live, DJ composites galore, "Another UFO" presents several police sightings in ’77, some Carter humor, … Continued