Over the Edge

Over the Edge – October 13, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 19 (Solo) An early to mid 60s look at the Beatniks’ progress, the H bomb, People Are No Good, the words to Mission Impossible, Dylan rehearsing, top 40 blaring, MLK saved by not sneezing, and students revolting, but you’ll never walk alone – a double play!

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – October 6, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 18 (Solo) In our patented one step forward and three steps back process of revealing history as if it happened on the radio, we begin around 1962 and don’t even get to ’66 again. The early ’60s Beatles predominate, Bob Dylan does takes, Coca Cola everywhere, Surf culture and the … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – September 29, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 17 (Solo): After some opening announcements by Izzy Isn’t, we start creeping into the mid ’60s with DJs of the time, all the hits, lots of Andy Warhol, H bomb love, the Beatles in the studio, and Bob Dylan’s 1965 Newport "electric surprise" show introduced by Jumpin’ Jack Jackson. 3 … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – September 22, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 16 (Solo) Predominantly all about the ’63 JFK assassination over several days as recorded live at KLIF in Dallas at the time, we also cover music and comedy of the day with Phil Spector, Nichols and May, Lenny Bruce, and the folk music boom waiting in the wings.

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – September 1, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 14 (Solo): Beginning in the late 50s and pushing into the early 60s, we cover the decline of the first generation of rock, yet another UFO, the Soviet vs American space programs, the cold war and the bomb, the golden age of the western genre, and the beginning of the … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – August 18, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 13 (Solo): After reviewing how we got here, the late 50s roll on inside the radio with the history of Rock & Roll, a heavier Soviet A-bomb requiring a bigger rocket thrust which produces the first satellite, Beatniks reacting to American materialism, some communist Disney music, and Stan Freeburg and … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – August 11, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 12 (Solo): Still stuck on the 50s with Elvis, Elvis, Elvis. Lots of 50s radio interviews, rarely heard early live performances including many of his earliest TV appearances, lots of his less familiar songs, and 50s media reactions to this emergence of blatantly suggestive sexuality. "Rock & Roll is here … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – July 28, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 11 (Solo): The 50s continue with Alan Freed still in charge and presenting Rock & Roll live (some of the earliest rockers playing for live audiences in the 50s), whites cover the black hits, the end of the Tupperwear saga, Tom Corbit in space, the hydrogen bomb and celebrity civil … Continued