Over the Edge

Over the Edge – July 21, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 10 (Solo): Radio continues in the early 50s, including the rise of Rock & Roll with Alan Freed at the microphone, at live shows, and in Hollywood, Tupperwear is born, the Russians get the bomb, Doo Wop rules, as does advertising, and Receptacle Programming returns with a discussion with callers … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – July 14, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 9 (Solo): From the late ’40s into the early ’50s, we continue to cover developments of the time on the radio. Howard Hughes’ Spruce Goose "flight" is covered live in 1947, the Beats emerge to become beatniks, dope enters mainstream radio fiction, Lenny Bruce ties for first place on Arthur … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – July 7, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 8 (Another UFO). Still in the time frame of Part 7 (Late ’40s and early ’50s) we focus in depth on the birth of both the atomic age and the modern UFO phenomenon as they both appeared on radio of the time. As post war atomic bomb testing on Bikini … Continued

Over the Edge

Over the Edge – June 30, 2006

"How Radio Was Done" Part 7 (Solo): A 5-hour edition covers the defeat of Germany and the continuing war with Japan. Orsen Welles returns with his brand of patriotism in the Lockheed Vega program, "Ceiling Unlimited," Nazi death camps are exposed by Edward Murrow, and battlefield radio covers island invasions across the pacific until the … Continued