Letters and Politics

ISIS and the History of Political Paranoia

Lena Khatib of the Carnegie Endowment’s Middle East Center in Beirut on ISIS tactics. Adam Zamoysky, author of Phantom Terror: Political Paranoia and the Creation of the Modern State, 1789-1848 on how governments use occult threats to justify repression. About the book: The French Revolution and the blood-curdling violence it engendered terrified the ruling and … Continued

Letters and Politics

Gunnar Myrdal

Today’s show is consecrated to Gunnar Myrdal who wrote An American Dilemna: The Negro Problem and American Democracy, in 1944. Mitch Jeserich speaks to Llewellyn Smith and Kelly Thomson, the filmmakers of American Denial that exposes Gunnar Myrdal life and work about how Gunnar Myrdal’s work is still relevant today.  

Letters and Politics

Zionism and Evangelical Christians

Conservatives evangelical Christians have been some of the fiercest supporters of Israel in the hope of the second come of Christ. Porter Speakman son of an evangelical pastor has created a critical film looking between the connections between zionism, evangelicals, and the theological debate about the place of the Palestinians called With God on Our Side.