International Women’s Day Schedule 2023

    12:00 AM  Christina Aanestad / Women Who Rock 1:00 AM  Safi wa Nairobi / Skip the Needle 2:00 AM  Debra Sloss / Gender Based Violence 3:00 AM  Robert Raymond / The Response:  Abortion Access & Reproductive Justice 4:00 AM  Thuy Nguyễn / Asian American Women Exploring Our Identity 5:00 AM  Christina Aanestad / … Continued

This vintage spoken word Full Circle archive was produced about a year after Full Circle was born.  The amazing First Voice Training Director, Amelia Gonzalez-Garcia, was pro-active and brilliant in getting apprentices an opportunity to actually be on the air, encouraging them to host and produce and bring in community talent.   And so, Daughters of Yam  was … Continued

Sikh women talk about their faith and social justice in this International Women’s Day special. Sikhism promotes social justice, gender equality and democracy as prominent pillars of the faith. This was demonstrated at the Kisaan Ekta Morcha or the Farmer’s Protest in India from November 2020 – November 2021. The farmer’s were successful in pressuring … Continued

The latest wave in the Hindu right’s targeted attacks against Muslim communities in India is the forcible ban on the hijab, the headscarf worn by Muslim girls and women across South Asia. In the south Indian state of Karnataka, right wing Hindu zealots have targeted and attacked female Muslim students who choose to wear the … Continued