
Flashpoints – May 3, 2007

A freewheeling interview with the Venezuelan ambassador to the United States, we’ll take an in-depth look at the new Bolivarian revolution being led by Hugo Chavez, and some of the key programs that have already changed the lives of the Venezuelan people; also, the Block Report interviews a member of the Angola 3, 35 years … Continued


Flashpoints – May 2, 2007

Police in L.A. Open fire on immigrants rights activists with tear gas and rubber bullets; we”ll feature an eye-witness account of the police riot and how movement leaders plan to respond to the on going government repression of undocumented workers and their supporters; Also the dems cave in to Bush and the endless war in … Continued


Flashpoints – April 30, 2007

Our special correspondent Dahr Jamail continues his reporting from on the ground in Lebanon, where he delves into the heart of Lebanese politics and the Israel factor; also, noted radical scholar and author Michael Parenti talks about the stealing of elections, taking a close look at 2006; and the Knight Report continues its focus on … Continued


Flashpoints – April 27, 2007

We feature an interview with Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s most Powerful Mercenary Army; also, we’ll have an update on the ICE immigration raids being carried out across this countryand terrorizing millions of people and entire communities and Flashpoints en Español.


Flashpoints – April 26, 2007

We’ll be reporting on a series of actions calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney and an end to the war, we’ll speak with the director of Project Censored, the founder of World Can’t Wait, and members of Code Pink who have organized Camp Pelosi and a major impeachment rally scheduled for Saturday in … Continued


Flashpoints – April 25, 2007

Our special correspondent Dahr Jamail reports from southern Lebanon as people try to rebuild their lives after last summer’s Israeli-American siege; also, Greg Palast talks about the stealing of the 2008 election and the battle between Hugo Chavez and the Bush Administration; and the Knight Report focuses in on the expanding US-supported war in Somalia.


Flashpoints – April 24, 2007

After a bloody weekend in the occupied West Bank, is Israel preparing to once again re-invade and destroy Gaza? We’ll speak with the executive director of the International Middle East Media Center, George Rishmawi; also a report on the continuing economic and ethnic cleansing of New Orleans’ poor and working class; Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich … Continued


Flashpoints – April 23, 2007

Former high-level CIA analyst speaks out against the Democrats and their unwillingness to restrain Bush against the expanding war and occupation of Iraq; Nora Barrows-Friedman reports back on her three-week visit to Palestine; award-winning investigative journalist Robert Parry talks about the release of extreme right-wing Cuban-American terrorist Luis Posada Carilles, the mastermind of the 1976 … Continued


Flashpoints – April 20, 2007

We broadcast from our New College of California studios in San Francisco’s Mission District; We continue our in-depth coverage of the immigrants rights revolution, we look at the upcoming May 1st mobilizations, and speak with Alfredo DeAvila from the Applied Research Center and other community organizers; Also, after the release of known terrorist Louis Posada … Continued