
Flashpoints – June 14, 2007

Today on Flashpoints: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas sacks the Hamas government and declares a state of emergency, even as Hamas overruns a main Fatah headquarters in Gaza; we’ll have a series of reports on these crucial breaking stories; also, we’ll have a report from Beirut on yesterday’s deadly bombing that killed ten people; and … Continued


Flashpoints – June 12, 2007

Today on Flashpoints: Dahr Jamail nails the New York Times for lying about the United States use of white phosphorus in Iraq. Also John Pilger on the U.S. permanent occupation in Iraq. Twenty two Palistinians killed in factional violence in Gaza. A former CIA analyst talks about the CIA on trial for torture. A disscussion … Continued


Flashpoints – June 8, 2007

Today on Flashpoints: We talk about the future of the immigrant’s rights movement in the face of Congress’s failure to take any substantial action that would guarantee some 12 million workers and their families fair treatment, wages, and the respect they deserve; Also, we continue our investigation into the U.S. Government’s wide ranging use of … Continued


Flashpoints – June 7, 2007

Today on Flashpoints: A leading US scholar once again makes the case against Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine; also, environmental activist Karen Pickett speaks out against the government’s green scare attacks; an eyewitness account that refutes police claims against Mumia abu-Jamal; and the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – June 6, 2007

Today on Flashpoints: Rania Masri reports from the ground in Beirut, Lebanon, on the latest human rights nightmares growing out of the continued attacks across the country; also, Israeli death squads kill an elderly Palestinian man and kidnap two children in the West Bank; part three of our series on the torture training center at … Continued


Flashpoints – June 5, 2007

Today on Flashpoints: 40 years after the beginning of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and the suffering remains with no end in sight, we’ll speak with Diana Buttu in Ramallah for an in-depth look at Israeli policies of expanded military occupation and colonialism; plus, part two of torture in Tuscon, an investigation into Fort Huachuca, … Continued


Flashpoints – June 4, 2007

A second refugee camp struck by violence as the bombardment of Naher el Bared continues in Lebanon. A series of reports on the human rights situation in the camps as well as the continuing bombings around Beirut; also, anti-torture activists face off against torture trainers in Tuscon; and the Knight Report.


Flashpoints – June 1, 2007

Today on Flashpoints: Over 15,000 Palestinian refugees remain trapped under siege in the Naher el-Bared refugee camp, we’ll have a report from Lebanon; also, a leading immigration rights attorney arrested protesting the so-called immigration compromise; former Black Panther and founder of Common Ground in New Orleans, Malik Rahim, in the studio; a report from Venezuela … Continued