Hosted by Nina Serrano and jack Foley.
3:00 PST Wednesdays
A celebration of the art of poetry. A well-known poet himself, Jack Foley’s considerable historical knowledge and his awareness of the current “scene” are incorporated into his radio shows and have made them a kaleidoscopic, always stimulating attraction for anyone interested in poetry.
Hosted by Nina Serrano and jack Foley.
A celebration of the art of poetry, hosted by jack Foley.
A celebration of the art of poetry, hosted by jack Foley.
Jack’s four January shows all deal with the remarkable anthology, Fightin’ Words: 25 Years of Provocative Poetry and Prose from “The Blue Collar Pen.” The anthology was edited by Judith Cody, Kim McMillon and Claire Ortalda and published jointly by PEN Oakland Publications and Heyday Books.
Jack’s four January shows all deal with the remarkable anthology, Fightin’ Words: 25 Years of Provocative Poetry and Prose from “The Blue Collar Pen.” The anthology was edited by Judith Cody, Kim McMillon and Claire Ortalda and published jointly by PEN Oakland Publications and Heyday Books.
Jack’s four January shows all deal with the remarkable anthology, Fightin’ Words: 25 Years of Provocative Poetry and Prose from “The Blue Collar Pen.” The anthology was edited by Judith Cody, Kim McMillon and Claire Ortalda and published jointly by PEN Oakland Publications and Heyday Books.
Jack’s four January shows all deal with the remarkable anthology, Fightin’ Words: 25 Years of Provocative Poetry and Prose from “The Blue Collar Pen.” The anthology was edited by Judith Cody, Kim McMillon and Claire Ortalda and published jointly by PEN Oakland Publications and Heyday Books.
Today’s show is Jack’s annual tribute to poet Dylan Thomas (1914-1953). Dylan Thomas is heard reading his classic story, “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” along with some other poems
Today’s show is a tribute to Jack’s father, who was a song-and-dance man in vaudeville in the 1920s, and to vaudevillians in general. Jack will read two pieces, one written as part of my autobiography, the other written for a dance web site. You’ll also hear Gene Kelly performing a classic song and dance routine—a soft shoe originally performed by the master dancer, George Primrose (1852-1919), the Fred Astaire of his day. Jack’s father performed this routine as well—and taught it to Jack.
A celebration of the art of poetry, hosted by jack Foley.