APEX Express

APEX Express – August 5, 2004

Asian women speak about war, the chance for change and for peace as we remember the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan. We’ll hear about: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the road to war in the gulf; the role of developing nations in opposing empire; and a book of peace. Japanese anti-nuclear activist Reiko Osato; award-winning … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – July 22, 2004

We’ll get an update on the situation of the Filipino hostage, the Philippines’ large migrant work force and how they may be endangered by the war in Iraq, as well as hear about the implications of the Philippine’s troop withdrawal. And, Security vs. Civil Liberties? We’ll learn more about surveillance in the recent period. Plus … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – July 8, 2004

Youth voices/youth outlook are on air to talk about a special summer camp that trains South East Asian youth in leadership skills. Also, Asian American mysteries are a mysterious rarity, except in the case of writer Naomi Hirahara. Apex host and producer Rainjita talks with Hirahara about her new book the Summer of the Big … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – July 1, 2004

Asian, African and Jazz music come together on Apex. Anthony Brown, leader of the Grammy-nominated Asian American Orchestra, and Alam Khan – son of the great Ali Akbar Khan – talk about how they bring their diverse heritages into their art as well as how music, cultures and social concepts converge. We’ll hear about their … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – June 24, 2004

San Francisco slam poetry champions Adriel Luis and Jimmy Thong Tran join us to share spoken words that they will be performing at the national championship in St. Louis, Missouri. Also we will be joined by Nina Fallenbaum of Jean Wa’s Peace Panty Project and Elizabeth Sy of the Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – June 17, 2004

Good defeats a giant evil serpent. Learn how this ancient story comes alive through a dance form with roots in the temples of India. Also, did Trinity tenants evict their landlord from his corporate office? Find out the outcome of this event as well as how Asian and low-income tenants are being threatened with eviction. … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – June 10, 2004

For the goddess of fire and creation: Hula Master Kawika Alfiche, head of Halau Aloha Pumehana ‘O Polynesia, talks about a dance for the goddess Pele that his group will perform as part of the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival starting June 12th. Learn about this dance company that also teaches the traditonal arts and … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – June 3, 2004

The National Queer Arts Festival is coming up. We’ll take look at the Asian Pacific Islander part of the Festival that features a film about a South Asian truck driver Miss Manju and more. Also, we’ll talk with Kreatibo: Pinay artist collective. Plus music, calendar and more. Rainjita hosts and produces. And, thanks to all … Continued