APEX Express

APEX Express – October 21, 2004

From a South Asian woman’s perspective – the renowned activist and author Arundhati Roy speaks about empire and reigning in power during this election period. She also reads from her award-winner book the God of Small Things. Plus a music based segment about sounds from the South Asian diaspora – a feature produced by Dhamaal. … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – October 14, 2004

Listen up for a report back from North Korea by three Asian Americans. Plus meet with Adrian Lasimbang, a young forest activist from Sarawak and Sabah in Malaysia. And listen to Southeast Asian youth, who are putting together an event to commemorate the death of Chan Boonkeone year ago. Plus music, calendar….as well as fund-drive. … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – October 7, 2004

If you think it’s a pain to vote here, what’s it like in Afghanistan with elections happening this weekend? Apex talks with reporter Roya Aziz – just back from Afghanistan – about a country in the midst of chaotic change. And, we have a feature commemorating the birth of Gandhi whose principals shaped South Asian … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – September 16, 2004

Hawaiian hula master and chanter Mark Ho‘omalu’s intense style and rhythm played on the gourd drum make him unique. Described as “inventive” by some and “unrestrained” by others" Ho‘omalu crosses between traditional and contemporary music. We’ll learn about this as well as about A New Beginning, a major performance by Mark Ho’omalu’s Academy of Hawaiian … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – August 26, 2004

Discussion around Legalization of Prostitution, and the upcoming initiative on the November ballot. Host Raijita also asks what issues are facing our Asian american sisters who are working in the industry. And, OAKLAND UNITED AGAINST BUSH- API’s and P.O.C. come together to talk about what actions they are taking in preperation for the upcoming elections. … Continued

APEX Express

APEX Express – August 12, 2004

The limelight will be on the Bush administration as it prepares for the September Republican convention. But one big question is where does civil liberties stand in view of their policies. One community that has felt the blows from the Bush administration is the Muslim community. Samina Faheem of A Muslim Voice talks about what … Continued