Against the Grain

Against the Grain – May 18, 2005

Pox Americana The writing of some of the leading thinkers about imperialism — Peter Gowan, Sam Gindin, Noam Chomsky, Samir Amin, among others — have been gathered into a thought-provoking book titled Pox Americana. And at a recent event at Modern Times Bookstore, contributors Barbara Epstein, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, and Bernardine Dohrn joined Tariq Ali and … Continued

Against the Grain

Against the Grain – May 17, 2005

Empire and Resistance Over the past week resistance to US empire has spread through Afghanistan, Pakistan, and much of the Muslim world. No critic better understands the issues of imperialism and struggles against it than novelist, historian, and activist Tariq Ali, as he illustrated in a recent speech given in Berkeley.

Against the Grain

Against the Grain – May 16, 2005

Weapons of Mass Deception Why did the US invade Iraq? What’s happened to the people of Iraq since then? In his film Weapons of Mass Deception, veteran media critic Danny Schechter takes on the mainstream media, showing its complicity with the Bush administration and the many ways it misinformed and manipulated the American public.

Against the Grain

Against the Grain – May 9, 2005

Money, Power & Mental Illness Should people diagnosed as mentally ill be forcibly treated or institutionalized? MindFreedom’s David Oaks, who also has strong opinions about the psychiatric drug industry, thinks it’s a human rights issue. The politics of mental illness is the focus of Joe Penhall’s play Blue/Orange at Aurora Theatre.

Against the Grain

Against the Grain – May 2, 2005

A May Day look at the 20th anniversary of the 1984-85 British miners’ strike, the historic clash between labor and Margaret Thatcher during which 11,291 people were arrested. The strike’s defeat allowed for the victory of neoliberalism in the UK and beyond. With journalist Nicholas Jones and host Sasha Lilley.