Against the Grain

Against the Grain – May 24, 2006

C.S. talks with the maker of the documentary film "Arna’s Children," which recounts how a Jewish woman named Arna opened a theater group for Palestinian children in Jenin, and follows what happens as Arna’s students grow up to participate in the Palestinian resistance. The program also features comments by Mariam Shahin, the author of "Palestine: … Continued

Against the Grain

Against the Grain – May 23, 2006

It’s been called history’s most important political document and it’s the second best-selling book in the world after the Bible. It’s The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, and it’s been rediscovered in recent years by Wall Street Bankers and radical activists alike. Phil Gasper, author of an annotated new version, talks … Continued