This show explores the dark currents and rivers of Tom Waits as typified primarily by the critically acclaimed Rain Dogs record, featuring performances by Tom Waits, Marc Ribot, Ralph Carney, Tony Levin, John Lurie, Bobby Previte, Robert Quine, Chris Spedding, and Victor Feldman.

Round two of our Spring Cleaning shows starts off with leftover LP’s from the studio and tapes from Chris’ Car (less one lowly cassette) featuring Rob Mazeruek, Jesca Hoop, Ennio Morricone, The Focus Group, Two, Devo, Model/Actriz, Surface to Air Missive, Wolf Eyes and Hood Faire  

A Box of Toys

A Box of Toys #26 Soundtracks

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A survey of soundtrack recordings, from mainstream to obscure: Tom Twyker, Alejandro Jodorowski, Peter Gabriel, Ennio Morricone, Carl Stalling, Jimmy Cliff, Iggy Pop, Dinah Washington & Max Richter, Isaac Hayes, Soggy Bottom Boys, Clint Mansell, Steven Price, Leftfield and MORE…. (originally aired 9/15/20)  

A Box of Toys

A Box of Toys #134 Spring Needledrop

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More yummy vinyl, hot off the presses from Devo, Nozinja, CivilistJavel, Untold, Hafler Trio & Genesis P. Orridge, Ennio Morricone, Facta, Continua, Jean Claude Vannier, Time Wharp, Model/Actriz, and Young Fathers, with plenty left over for future episodes!

A Box of Toys

A Box of Toys : SXSW 2023 Postview

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This show features Voka Gentle, Model/Actriz, ALASKAALASKA, TmbaTa, Thee Oh Sees, Hamish Hawk, The Zombies, Os Mutantes, Gewalt, and BalthVS, plus many observations on the festival, logistics, scheduling, best practices, and the Top 5 Acts to see in ’23

This show empties the stack of the snowy releases, as we celebrate the Vernal Equinox on A Box Of Toys.  Virgin vinyl from City, Sam Gendel, Kofu, Dys Functional (Electronix Music X), Grizzly Bear, Burial, Hagop Tchaparian, Broadcast, Moin, and Midwife.

A Box of Toys

A Box of Toys #131 SXSW 2023 Preview

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SXSW preview show featuring Kristeen Young, Bondbreaker, Voka Gentle, myeducation, Yogetsu Akasaka, Roge, Lemon Twigs, Model/Actriz, Mandy/Indiana, Lil Yachty, Jockstrap, ALASKAALASKA, The Zombies, Beatenburg, TmbaTa, El Laberinto del Coco, Osees, Tropa Magica, Jembaa Groove & more

Vinyl treasure from three months of record buying, and bringing our listeners 2 Square Y?, Amos and Sara, OST for the film Round Midnight, Dvorak Concerto for Cello And Orchestra Allegro in B, Anti-God Hand, Sam Gendel, Wolf Eyes, Planning for Burial, and Drowse.  

Third in the Digital Download show series featuring Sir Spyro, Object Collection, Gonjasufi, Khurangabin, Powell, Trentemoller, Pinch, serpentwithfeet, Hanna Leighton, Model Home, R Stevie Moore, Arve Henriksen, Amy Denio, Jeb Loy, and Christopher Murray with RSM.