
Counterspin – May 13, 2005

This week on CounterSpin: international trade is on the agenda in Washington, with the White House pushing for Congress to vote on the CentralAmerican Free Trade Agreement, or CAFTA. The trade pact is getting next to no mainstream media attention, even though the political fight over it is heating up. We’ll talk to Karen Hansen-Kuhn … Continued


Flashpoints – May 9, 2005

Independent of London reporter Patrick Cockburn reports from Baghdad on the killing of 75 Iraqis by US forces at the Syrian border; plus, a free-wheeling discussion with award-winning investigative reporter Robert Parry on CIA-linked drug trafficking and the cover-up of the October Surprise; and the Knight Report.

Full Circle

Full Circle – May 6, 2005

this episode is no longer available

Join us for Full Circle, this Friday, May 6th for the second part of our labor discussion. We will address local labor issues as well as workers’ situations in China and Nicaragua. Other issues covered include globalization, day laborers, and tenant rights. We will also share a commentary and a poem in honor of Mother’s … Continued


Flashpoints – May 6, 2005

On their Morning Edition show, NPR censors the killing of two Palestinian kids, we’ll have a follow-up report on the killings and look at the recent arrests of Pentagon officials releasing secret documents to American-Israeli lobby group AIPAC; also, the US military continues their torture cover-up with the dismissal of charges against Lynndie England; a … Continued