Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Democracy Now! – December 14, 2011

Russia’s Putin Faces Unprecedented Challenge as Tens of Thousands Protest Electoral Fraud; Corzine Grilled Over MF Global Collapse After Witness Suggests Knowledge of Misused Funds; House-Senate Revise Indefinite Detention Bill in Bid to Avoid White House Veto, But Fears Remain; Tawakkul Karman, Yemeni Nobel Peace Laureate, Pays Tribute to Women Activists Worldwide. TODAY’S HEADLINES     … Continued

Democracy Now

Democracy Now! – December 14, 2011

Russia’s Putin Faces Unprecedented Challenge as Tens of Thousands Protest Electoral Fraud; Corzine Grilled Over MF Global Collapse After Witness Suggests Knowledge of Misused Funds; House-Senate Revise Indefinite Detention Bill in Bid to Avoid White House Veto, But Fears Remain; Tawakkul Karman, Yemeni Nobel Peace Laureate, Pays Tribute to Women Activists Worldwide. TODAY’S HEADLINES     … Continued

November 2011 LSB Meeting Records

[APPROVED] KPFA 2011 Local Station Board Regular in-person meeting, November 19, 2011, 11am-4pm Finn Hall, 1819 10th St., Berkeley CA  Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at Present: Mal Burnstein, Terry Doran, Pamela Drake, Anthony Fest, Sasha Futran*, David Gans, Conn Hallinan, Matthew Hallinan, Cynthia Johnson, Jack Kurzweil, Henry Norr*, Andrea … Continued

Rock en Rebelión

Rock en Rebelión – November 6, 2011

this episode is no longer available

Entrevista con Luis Terreros. En El Golpe Traidor, reporte sobre Occupy Oakland, coproducido por Diana Martínez (min. 47:00 al min. 59:00). Algo de lo mas reciente de la música latina alternativa.                               Luis Terreros               … Continued

Pushing Limits

pushing limits – November 4, 2011

The Oakland Occupy movement is popular, international media covers it and so will Pushing Limits…..but with a disability slant, a heavy disability slant. Organizer Marg Hall will talk with co hosts Eddie Ytuarte and Leah Gardner as they present their questions and perspectives on these current events happening almost literally on our back yards. And, … Continued