Womens Magazine

Judith Butler – Challenging the right, gender binaries and Israeli settler colonialism

Today  we have a special show for fund drive co hosted by feminist Queer activists  Kate Raphael and Rae Abileah  who will talk to Jewish Feminist Queer  author, scholar  and activist  Judith Butler about two topics they have become famous for reshaping and making part of everyday discourse, that is  gender and anti-zionism . 

If  somehow you are one of the few people who  haven’t heard of  American philosopher,  gender studies scholar and anti zionist and Queer feminist activist Judith Butler   they have written over a dozen books including their seminal book Gender Trouble which came out in 1990 and which shook up the academic and political world with her redefinition of gender.  and they have been have been a major  influence on  political philosophyethics, and the fields of third-wave feminism,[2] queer theory,[3] and literary theory, and if they wasn’t enough they  are also important to anti zionist activist and Queer activists since  to many in these movements they are  a huge force in support of these  movements. for Butler’s  concept of gender as having  been constructed they have been seen as a threat throughout the modern world — to national security in Russia; to civilization, according to the Vatican; to the American traditional family; to protecting children from pedophilia and grooming, according to some conservatives and by Zionist they are excoriated as a defender of Hamas terrorism and banned from Israel.

And to interview Judith  Butler we are very lucky to have two experienced Queer activists,  novelist, journalist, anarcha/feminist and queer activist and a long-time producer with  KPFA’s  Women’s Magazine Kate Raphael is  co housing with social change strategist and ordained  Jewish faith leader Rae Abileah  and they will be leading  our  conversation with Judith Butler today .  In the first half of the interview  Kate Raphael will talk to  Butler about their  newest book on gender “Whose Afraid of Gender” that looks at the right wings  utilization of gender to attack Queers, trans people  and women. And in the second half of the show Rae will talk  with  Butler about her  book “Parting Ways Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism” that came out in 2013  as well as  her thoughts about anti-zionism today.