Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – May 30, 2016 – Summer Is For Reading


Making your summer reading list?  You’re going to want to hear about these two sexy new books:

GODS OF TANGO, by Carolina de Robertis, is a steamy story of music, migration, romance and identity.  Leda, a young Italian bride, arrives in Buenos Aires to find out that her husband has died.  In seeking herself in her new country, Leda becomes Dante, playing violin in one of the bands taking the scandalous tango from the brothels and tenements to the high-society cabarets.  Carolina de Robertis is the award-winning author of The Invisible Mountain and Perla.

41OFGeDSifL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_EROTIC INTEGRITY: How to Be True to Yourself Sexually, by Claudia Six, is a how-to guide to a better sex life.  Frankly presented and illustrated with candid case studies, Dr. Six, a clinical sexologist for 20 years, leads readers through ten sexual themes including performance anxiety, sexual boredom, newly dating, coming out, and more.

Or maybe you plan to spend your summer writing a book.  Publisher Brooke Warner talks about how books are made in the new world of independent and hybrid publishing.  Brooke Warner is the publisher of She Writes Press, an acclaimed writer and the author of three books on publishing, including the newly released GREEN LIGHT YOUR BOOK.

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