Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – July 13, 2015

As we approach the 70th anniversary of the U.S. nuclear bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we speak with Sr. Megan Rice, who along with two fellow activists was recently freed from federal prison, after a court set aside their convictions for sabotage at the Y12 nuclear facility in Missouri.  The three are members of Transform Now Plowshares, which engages in symbolic destruction of nuclear armaments.  The 83-year-old Rice talks about how she came to the decision to take an action which could have resulted in spending the rest of her life in prison.  Our conversation also touches on feminism and the Catholic Church.

And continuing our exploration of how to attract women to scientific and engineering fields, in which they’re vastly underrepresented, we speak with Lina Nilsson, innovation director at the Blum Center for Developing Economies at UC Berkeley.  In a controversial New York Times op-ed in April, Nilsson described an engineering program that without even trying, achieved gender parity.  Find out how.


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