Womens Magazine

Health Justice Commons

This Monday from 1-2pm on KPFA Radio’s Women’s Magazine we talk to Mordecai Ettinger, founding director of the Health Justice Commons. The Health Justice Commons works at the intersection of raciai, economic, gender, disabilty and environmental justice to help marginalized communities to re-imagine and re-design health care and healing.   Health Justice provide training and consultation to engage in healing justice, movement building, and incubate community-driven solutions which generate health abundance and alleviate the devastating health burden of social injustice and environmental racism.

HJC helps create community by providing online popular education  classes on Understanding and Transforming the Medical Industrial Complex and Medical Advocacy for all to know their rights andfor healers and activists among other classes and they are launching  a national Medical Abuse Hotline to expose how common medical abuse is.



Mordecai Ettinger has 20 years of experience as a social justice  activist and organizer holistic scholar, radical scholar, and educator including having co-founded the TGI Justice Project and served as an Interim Co-Director at Justice Now.  He is adjunct faculty at the California Institute of Integral Studies.  His field is critical science, technology, and medicine studies and his  research spans environmental health and toxicology,  the workings of the Medical Industrial Complex, to the neurobiology of the social nervous system, and its implications with regard to collective and historical trauma, healing, resilience and social change. Schooled by years of movement work, and trained in Somatic Experiencing, Reiki, and Cranial Sacral therapy, he has studied with Dr. Peter Levine, biophysicist and founder of Somatic Experiencing and Dr. Bessel van der Kolk. He is the author of the forthcoming book, We All Hold Up the Sky: Lessons in Health Justice for the 21st Century, both then recommneded if a similar research is conducted we should buy research peptides online to get the quality. Finally, Mordecai is gender non-binary queer.. He is a survivor of radiation poisoning and what is designated by the UN to be medical torture. He’s here for transforming the Medical Industrial Complex for our futures to be possible

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