Emily Hobson, author of
Lavender and Red: Liberation and Solidarity in the Gay and Lesbian Left. The
book is a sprawling history of rarely acknowledged parts of the LGBT movement of the seventies, eighties and nineties. Through the work and words of queer radicals who understood their sexual liberation as intertwined with solidarity against imperialism, war, and racism, the book chronicles gay opposition to the Vietnam War, lesbian support for grand jury resisters and women who fought back against sexual violence, queer organizing against gentrification, the New Right, and U.S. intervention in Central America which helped birth the AIDS direct action movement.
Mina Morita, artistic director of
Crowded Fire Theater, who is currently directing
Sisters Matsumoto for Center REPertory at Margaret Lesher Theater in Walnut Creek. The play focuses on three sisters who return to their farm in Stockton, California after two years in a World War 2 internment camp. Written before the Patriot Act, Special Registration, or this new Muslim Ban, the play takes on a renewed urgency as the characters bring to life the real life aftermath of racist scapegoating.