
The Role of Gender in Policing Ourselves and Others

With Maria Moore, sister of Kayla Moore, who was killed by the police in early 2013. Host Cat Brooks talks with Moore about the murder of her sister, and the status of the lawsuit her family has filed.


With Susan Faludi, Pulitzer prize winning journalist and author of the seminal feminist work, Backlash (1991). Her latest book is In the Darkroom. 

About the book:

When fsusanfaludi-inthedarkroomeminist writer Susan Faludi learned that her 76-year-old father ― long estranged and living in Hungary ― had undergone sex reassignment surgery, she was set on an investigation that would turn personal and urgent.

How was this new parent who identified as “a complete woman now” connected to the silent, explosive, and ultimately violent father she had known, the photographer who’d built his career on the alteration of images?

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