David Gilbert and his son Chesa Boudin. Photo courtesy of Chesa Boudin
On today’s show:
0:08 – On our weekly segment “Mondays with Mitch,” Mitch Jeserich joins us — he hosts Letters and Politics weekdays at 10AM on KPFA. Today Cat and Mitch talk about the Supreme Court striking down President Biden’s eviction moratorium and House passing a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill.
0:34 – We take listener calls and questions about the latest Covid science with Dr. John Swartzberg, clinical professor emeritus of infectious diseases at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health. Today’s listener questions were about booster shot approval, and how vaccines affect mutations and variants, the risks of Covid in schools. If you had a question for Dr. Swartzberg that we didn’t get to, email our producers at [email protected].
1:08 – San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin (@chesaboudin) received news last week that his father, the political prisoner David Gilbert, has just been granted clemency by Andrew Cuomo before Cuomo’s departure. We speak with Boudin about criminal punishment, growing up with incarcerated parents, and what it was like to receive the news his father would be free.
1:34 – Ainissa Ramirez is a material scientist, her book The Alchemy of Us looks at how eight human inventions have shaped our experience.